Karma-Gaming - ian. :AWP:
ian. :AWP:
12:57pm Nov-17-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute
console anticheat

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I was injected with aimware showing people the tag, but I was on spectators the whole time and never actually played against players. I've appealed before but my ban is not on the source bans. when I was banned stickman told me the source bans were not up at the time and I have not been able to find it. I contacted Jacob around the time of my old appeal he tried to unban me but it did not work and eventually, we stopped talking. I'm hoping to get unbanned because karma awp has great maps and I would like to play them again. Thank you for reading. Bye Bye

12:59pm Nov-17-2020
link to my old appeal: https://karma-gaming.net/?action=forum&topic=7655
4:30pm Nov-17-2020
Looking into this.
4:48pm Nov-17-2020
Whenever you get a chance, could you join our discord and open a report ticket? Please ping me and say that I told you to make it to handle this problem. thanks :)
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