Member (Karma Source) Posts: 337 | Requesting User
Steam Name
Minecraft name: ngen_
Steam ID
Which Karma server were you banned from
Name of admin responsible for ban/mute
me/ Teddy
Type of Request
Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
So today I explained to a player that the server was hosted on the west server. After saying I was confused about the server being hosted on the other box, Teddy's box, I was muted for an 1 day. I was completely blindsided by this mute. It was something that I didn't really expect nor do I really think anything that I said was truly against the rules. Since a higher staff member muted me, I assumed it was for a valid reason. Server manager BasicTaps unmuted me to say something in chat which had nothing to do with the reason why I was muted. BasicTaps then lost his permissions to the Minecraft server for unmuting me. So I figured that, to give his perms back, I should mute myself. BasicTaps then told me to put "Free Basic" (Im_Ngen) in my mute message, and since a higher staff requested me to do so, I did. Teddy then removed my permissions to the Minecraft server. I think this removal of permissions was unjust and unfair. It also goes against my status as a global admin. You could compare my permissions to the Roman Empire at its peak. As the Romans were at the height of their empire in 110 CE, I was a truly global admin. I could be refered to as the epicenter of my communities, beloved by many, and held up high as inspiration to many future staff members to come. However, once the Romans were at height of their power, they were attacked from the inside. At the new height of my permissions, since the addition of the Minecraft server, I was attacked on the inside by a close friend. I was completely blindsided from this mute and I'm deeply sorry to those harmed by my actions which I interpreted to be a light-hearted joke. I will be sure to think about my actions before I decide to write in the Minecraft chat about our Karma Gaming Minecraft server and how it relates to Teddy and the server box. And I hope he would be able to experience my gratitude if I was unmuted. And if my request is denied I will agree with and support your decision.
Thank you for considering my unmute request