Home > Forum > Denied Unban requests > Lil Crayon :TTT:
Karma-Gaming - Lil Crayon :TTT:
Lil Crayon :TTT:
Lil Crayon
6:34pm Nov-20-2020
Requesting User
Lil Crayon

Steam Name

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I probably won't get accepted, but idk if I waited longer but I am trying my best to avoid and collusions with ya'll and PC, karma is like the only server I get to have fun. This will probably get denied but imma still try
and im trying to avoid Ban evading. and yes I know someone in PC is making my chances low but im trying my best to avoid that.

1:26pm Nov-21-2020
Last Edit By: Ari
At: 1:26pm Nov-21-2020
You shouldn't need to trY to ban evade... You should just not do it. I haven't personally seen you ban evading but it's kind of hard to verify that since you would be on a VPN and presumably with a different name. In my honest opinion I think you should wait longer. It hasn't even been a month since I banned you, not to mention the time Wookie got all of you unbanned. You guys caused HUGE issues on our servers and took a lot of time out of a lot of our days to deal with the constant ban evasion. I cannot speak on how involved you were or were not in that, because again... Alt accounts/VPN. 2-3 months would be a decent waiting time IN MY OPINION. I don't have the final say on any of this, just an opinion.
Lil Crayon
2:47pm Nov-21-2020
Yeah I haven't ban evaded in a week I know its a short time but I will still continue to stop ban evading, since I got banned I haven't ban evading, but thx!
3:27pm Nov-21-2020
Karma-Gaming - Forum