Karma-Gaming - snakey :TTT:
snakey :TTT:
5:31pm Nov-29-2020
Last Edit By: snakey
At: 5:56pm Nov-29-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request
Unsilence and Unban

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
Unsilence: can you please unsilence me, im not trying to be rude, i literally have stuff to report and no admins replied so Include the word fuck in my sentence and air calls me an ungrateful little shit and kicks me then perm gags me and i have a mute till Christmas, this makes it impossible for me to call kos, or reply to anything a detective says, making the game completely unplayable.

Also, perm gagging me doesn't fix the problem. The problem was in admin chat, therefore you didn't fix the problem.

Unban: I see why I was banned by anti-cheat, I wasn't using an inject script like aimbot, but I had my player aim at walls then fire infinitely with an autoclicker, which is a keyboard script, a non-injector script. I didn't even know if this is allowed or not

6:44pm Nov-29-2020
Karma-Gaming - Forum