Karma-Gaming - Evill_Ed_42 :Discord:
Evill_Ed_42 :Discord:
4:51pm Dec-16-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name (*Minecraft Name if applicable)

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
hello, as you all know me it is i evill ed, i am hoping to be unbanned from the discord so i can talk in it, my full objective is to get unbanned from the server as well (not at the current time, i still think i should wait a bit longer for that). but i understand that i made some fuck ups and i am trying to make it better :) go me. so anyways thanks for reading my unban appeal ily all.

sup bby
5:10pm Dec-16-2020
It wasn't wunka that banned you, it was me and it was jacob that said to do it
5:12pm Dec-16-2020
What is the point of unbanning you? Its just going straight back to the mingy attitude surrounded by all the drama you constantly start. You didn't change when you got demoted 3 times, you didn't change when you got unbanned, what's new?
Karma-Gaming - Forum