Home > Forum > Application Discussion > Approved Staff Apps > Sardonyq :West Minecraft:
Karma-Gaming - Sardonyq :West Minecraft:
Sardonyq :West Minecraft:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
3:52pm Dec-23-2020
Requesting User

In Game/Steam Name

Steam ID

Your Discord User


Do you own a microphone

Do you have any previous CS:GO staff/admin experience

If yes, details. How long, where at etc
I've been in the CS:GO Community for many years now, I was a normal player on the Defy servers, slightly normal on eGO but not so much anymore. I found the Karma-Gaming servers and I thought the community and player base was super interesting so I decided to play a little bit more, but I will not lie my attention definitely changed recently, other games have caught my attention.

Do you have any previous NON CS:GO staff/admin experience

If so, details
I was Helper, Moderator, and Sr. Moderator for a smaller Pixelmon Server named Kandorus on Minecraft from around 2016-2018 I believe. I was promoted extremely fast, in fact, I was asked to apply. Currently, I am Head Admin of a smaller Twitch Streamer's Discord & staff for the Twitch Chat. Now, I understand that when I say that you're probably thinking that I won't put in my full effort into this staff position I'm applying for, but I must say that it isn't true. I would argue that player management/online staffing is one of my favorite things to do. The Head Admin position that I have right now sounds large but it really isn't. He's a smaller streamer, our discord has around 100-126ish people maybe. A lot of the work I needed to do I already did, with the position I have and the stuff I've done for that job, I work on my own time.

During my time on Kandorus, I was asked to apply for staff, I genuinely thinks that's a very important thing to note because I hope it shows my personality, I am a very helpful person, I love it! It somehow gives me a purpose? Makes me feel like I'm doing my role in this world, sure it's small, some rando on the internet helping another rando on how to catch a Geodude; but it's those small things that make me so happy.

Just in case you're curious about my Head Admin position, some common things I do are event management, community management, general discord things yata-yata, staff training, etc. I really find it fun! I've thought about career paths into this online moderation direction but, to no surprise, little opportunities pop up, and the economical standpoint isn't even there sadly, so I think the best thing to do would be to get as much experience as I can while I'm young doing something I love that can boost my opportunities in the future with whatever I have.

Which Karma server are you applying for
West Minecraft

How long have you been playing on karma servers
2 Months

What is your primary timezone(closest to you)

How many HOURS PER DAY do you play (average)

How many DAYS PER WEEK do you play

What additional talents/skills could you bring to the staff team
I think as a staff member, my strongest traits are:
Management- I would say that as a staff member, my player management skills are very strong. I have a lot of experience with problem-solving and handling situations to a degree and standard that I love to think about. I think that my mind works in a specific way that really enables me in problem-solving scenarios. I would say I'm really good at it because I love it.

Problem Solving Skills- Like worded above, I truely do believe that my problem solving skills are far above average for a person my age. I would quicky just love to highlight that during these application processes, I really hate my age, I feel that it holds me back in many ways, I hope that it isn't a barrier for the application team.

Staff Training- Because I am head admin on a discord with a decent amount of players, something that I like to do is to train the staff. I sometimes give them scenarios, events, and topis to word out and think about. I believe that it's best to train someone how to do something rather throw them into it, duh :). It's nice to help my fellow staff members because I know they also want to try their hardest.

Quick Learner- I think I am a super quick learner, I would also say that this is because I like it. I don't fully understand why but I just love learning about the interactions, requirements, etc. The entire staffing experience is really interesting to me. Maybe I take it too seriously, I'm not embarrassed by it. I love it, I truly love it.

Availability- I won't lie, I have recently really slowed down in real life. By this, I mean that I have a lot more free time, as of COVID and other personal things, I have a lot of free time to kill. I would love to be able to spend that free time doing something meaningful to me. I am available most times during the week, other than the usual education scheduele.

What do you think makes a good staff member
I think my personality, traits, desire to succeed, and experience make me a strong staff member. I don't love saying "I want to make the server a better place!" because I feel that is baseline, I want to help people. That's it. I just want to help as many people as I can, I want to be a staff member because I just love it. It fills some sort of personal hole in my heart lol. I have to say, some of the best moments I've had were spent as staff on Kandorus. I just love the community interactions and helping. And I think it's great to add that most of my experience is on Minecraft too ;). I'm good with discord moderation too.

Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
3:52pm Dec-23-2020
Verification ID: 4F74B759-3356-4214-B36A-F29FC6532A40
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4:27pm Dec-23-2020
+1 what an app goddamn
4:36pm Dec-23-2020
+1 This is a pretty good thought out application. I don't know him at all, but because this side of the community is new, I'm willing to give him a try.
11:21pm Dec-23-2020
0 Application is astonishing. But in reality, we don't need any minecraft staff at the moment, we could use him on other servers if he so chooses.
🍧 🐶 - 朿頁乇づ
11:40pm Dec-23-2020
We aren't giving anyone minecraft staff that is staff as of right now so im confused why you think we don't need minecraft staff.
10:25am Dec-24-2020
+1, His app is awesome one of the best ones I've ever seen but his hours is not really common, and that makes me kinda sus of just that part. he has been playing for 2 months atleast, personally I've never seen him on but he seems like a good guy since he has a lot of staff experience. i would say go for it but rn i dont think we need MC staff members, up to the rest of you!
I'm broke.
11:31am Dec-24-2020
Gaw damn. I think this app speaks for itself. Idk if the Minecraft servers need any staff but i feel he would be a great addition to the staff team. +1
Imagine Running a Daycare XD
1:48pm Dec-24-2020
+1 if hes willing to put this much time into the application, I think he'll do a good job as staff

4:51pm Dec-24-2020
+1, This app is super good however the hours seem a bit blown out. 70 hours a week just isn't realistic.
The √-1 and then some
7:33pm Dec-25-2020
Last Edit By: wunka
At: 7:36pm Dec-25-2020
12:26am Dec-26-2020
okay, idk, maybe... good staff app +1
1:17am Dec-27-2020
App is outstanding but idk the dude nor do I know the status of what minecraft staff needs atm. 0
oo wow
No I'm not Russian
1:41pm Dec-27-2020
+1 well written app
4:09pm Dec-27-2020
This app has been approved
Email Sent To User:
Congratulations! your staff application has been approved. As of right now, the Minecraft server is still under massive development, and that you will be one of the first MC Staff, guidelines still need to be created along with roles/permissions. Please reach out to Teddy#3207 on discord and he will get you situated.
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