Home > Forum > Denied Unban/Unmute Appeals > Sharki :Multi 1v1:
Karma-Gaming - Sharki :Multi 1v1:
Sharki :Multi 1v1:
5:49pm Jan-02-2021
Requesting User

Steam Name (*Minecraft Name if applicable)

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from
Multi 1v1

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
It says that I was banned for a duplicate account which is weird bc this is my only CS account I play on now. I used to have one but it wouldn't let me enable steam guard so I made this one a few days back. I am sure that I disabled my last one. I think this is just a big misunderstanding because my old account is inactive and disabled. Thank you for understanding!

3:07am Jan-03-2021
Last Edit By: Jacob.
At: 3:08am Jan-03-2021
You were banned 7 days ago for cheating on our server that's connected to your IP Address. https://prnt.sc/wf5iri

Don't BS with me dude, you were definitely cheating on our server last week. If you're honest, it may work out in your favor, but if you want to keep BSing me you won't get anywhere.
🍧 🐶 - 朿頁乇づ
6:37pm Jan-04-2021
Last Edit By: suki
At: 7:04pm Jan-04-2021
If there is no reply by tomorrow night, this appeal will be denied.
9:36pm Jan-05-2021
Karma-Gaming - Forum