Home > Forum > Application Discussion > Approved Staff Apps > FunXe5 :Minecraft Staff Application:
Karma-Gaming - FunXe5 :Minecraft Staff Application:
FunXe5 :Minecraft Staff Application:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
12:46am Jan-07-2021
Requesting User

Minecraft Username



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Discord Username
FunXe5 #0201

Are you able to play a minimum of 5 hours per week

How long have you been playing/building in Minecraft
around 6 years

[Builder]Links to previous works (your portfolio)

[Builder]Do you have any particular strengths or weaknesses with building? (list)
I like to build big. Hubs and spawns are my go-to if I can choose but in all actuality, I enjoy building everything. My weaknesses are statues and animals but I'm willing to learn.

[Builder]Do you work better with a team or solo

[Staff]Do you have any previous server/staff experience?
Yes, I've built on a few small servers that usually get shut down in a few weeks. Other servers that I've been a part of include WOK (World of Keralis) and was Lead builder for Pixelverse.

[Staff]What makes you a good fit for the staff team?
Well, I'm easy going, I love to build and I can build well in a short amount of time. I get along with everyone or at least try to and like to make jokes and make people laugh. I can also put you guys on some good music :) (shameless plug)

[Staff]How would you handle a player that is being toxic or antagonizing in chat?
I would just ask them to stop and if they didn't I would talk to a staff member if I don't have the temporary /mute command.

[Staff]Two players are fighting in chat, how would you handle the situation?

Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
12:46am Jan-07-2021
Verification ID: 75F67BF4-C3FE-4F1F-9A4D-F9BF837007CD
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7:23am Jan-07-2021
+1 He has a huge portfolio of really nice builds, has experience, and the app is overall pretty good.
1:24pm Jan-07-2021
Last Edit By: Shrek
At: 1:24pm Jan-07-2021
+1. He has a lot of experience with building and staffing. but he forgot to answer the last question about the fighting thingy
6:03pm Jan-07-2021
This app has been approved
Email Sent To User:
Congratulations! your application has been approved.

Please reach out to Teddy#3207 on discord when you're next available
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