Home > Forum > Denied Unban/Unmute Appeals > Two Four / Hanz :Multi 1v1:
Karma-Gaming - Two Four / Hanz :Multi 1v1:
Two Four / Hanz :Multi 1v1:
Two Four / Hanz
1:07am Jan-10-2021
Last Edit By: Two Four / Hanz
At: 1:27am Jan-10-2021
Requesting User
Two Four / Hanz

Steam Name (*Minecraft Name if applicable)
Master Sergeant Hanz

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from
Multi 1v1

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
apperantly i got banned from the anti cheating thing when i hopped on the 1v1s and i killed 1 guy, died the 2nd time and immediately got banned.

If this gets denied im atleast requesting just to get unbanned from the Bhop server, its the only good one around and i just got curious how the other karma servers were.

12:33pm Jan-10-2021
It doesn't matter how many people you killed... You got caught cheating by our Anti-Cheat. Nobody is going to work with you here if you are just going to BS around the truth and not own up to the fact you cheated.
Two Four / Hanz
7:01pm Jan-10-2021
So im guessing im not going to atleast get unbanned in the Bhop server... Well i hope you have a good day then mate.
7:10pm Jan-10-2021
Karma-Gaming - Forum