Karma-Gaming - Inteliscute :10 mans:
Inteliscute :10 mans:
5:12pm Jan-17-2021
Requesting User

Steam Name (*Minecraft Name if applicable)

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from
10 mans

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
Hello, my reason for ban/mute is when I got unbanned from karma for a little Dinky did not approve of the unban so I got rebanned. During those 2 months of getting rebanned I tried ban evading to get back onto the server. I know that this was really dumb for me to do and was just causing a major disruption on the server. I have now stopped doing it because it is just causing a disruption on the server. Another reason for my ban was being a little toxic. I have also have tried to stop being as toxic as I usually am and just keep my chill. I have joined many chill servers and got to know some new people which has helped with this problem. I also have recently left Poggers Central/PC. I have left because I don't want to talk with yarsa anymore. I feel like this could help because yarsa has done many things to the server such as stealing your bot, mass connect botting to the server with racial and offensive names, and being a general disruption to the community in general. While I was trying to figure out how I can get unbanned I asked one of your staff who is the biggest problem in Poggers Central and they did say it was yarsa so I believe all the information stated above should be correct. With me now leaving poggers central I am now no longer associated with yarsa. Due to the reasons listed above I believe I should get another chance to be in the Karma Community because of how I have changed, and how I can change more for the players of karma.


remember me :(
Freshest Guy You Know
7:36pm Jan-17-2021
Last Edit By: oRefresh
At: 7:50pm Jan-17-2021
Alright lets clear the air here,
Yarsa although a massive asshat and a total dipshit is not the only problem of pc. Let's list some of the things you have done. These things are but are not limited to:
- DDOS the Minecraft server
- Threaten to DDOS the entire community
- Post multiple grabify links in the discord
- Also kept on being a total asshat to people even if it was still in private (saying things such as oh its funny dinky's dad died)
- Ban evading constantly (pretty much every day)

Again those are just some of the things that ik about.
Also, you did not leave poggers you got banned for being a total asshole to everyone and you are using this as an excuse to help you, You are throwing all your friends under the bus just to get unbanned, and when you see it benefits you the most you abandon them. Yet, you still want to be unbanned. That's actually laughable
8:40pm Jan-17-2021
Yes I may have sent grabify links in the discord and did threaten to ddos the community which I know is wrong and I shouldn't have done it some of the points you made are false.For the minecraft server nobody in poggers ever ddos'd the minecraft server I said as a joke that I ddos'd the minecraft server to yarsA when the server just went down after we all connceted to it. He took this joke too far which I can see how he did but even when I tell him that we didn't do it he would still say that I did. The only ddosing that has ever happened was when yarsa and one of his friends that doesn't play on karma tried to ddos the csgo server (If you want eveidence of this dm me on discord). I also didn't get banned for being a total asshole, yarsa banned me because he says that I am the problem and he knew that banning me would attempt to getting himself a unban. From screenshot dm's I have he said that I was the issue and he kept banning me because of that.Also you say I am throwing all my friends under the bus which you can believe but I am mainly throwing yarsa under the bus because of how he keeps saying that I did all of these things that he did. Also wouldn't he be the one throwing me under the bus because of how he is banning me just to get unbanned and I am taking that ban as a way of getting unbanned from here. I also don't see how I could be throwing my other friends under the bus if I said that yarsa caused all of the problems. I know that Indy and Naden didn't realy do anything to be banned because they were banned for association with mango and they themselves don't deserve those bans. Also for saying I have abandoned all my other friends I have been talking with Naden, Indy, Crayon and other friends in other vcs outside of poggers for the past week since yarsA's banned me. I also made the ban appeal cause if I'm not going to be in poggers then I might as well try to get back into the karma community. For the ban evading situation I understand how I do ban evade but you are very exaggerated when you say everyday. If you go to karma source bans and you search the ban reasons "yarsa" you get 9 results and when you search the reason "intel" you get 3 results and one was a false ban by you. If you also add the poggers bans it adds 2 per person plus the pc ban reasons with probably adds another 2 people (Couldn't get source bans up). This is only around 7 bans(Im guessing this numbers off and its more like 15-20 and yarsas is more like 20-30) which from 11-10 to 1-17 now that is not everyday and those bans were spread apart. I also feel like this argument against you is a little unfair because you and yarsa have been friends for months and have been chatting in vcs for the past couples weeks so your going to believe anything that he says (Such as the minecraft server and thinking he banned me for being an asshole). If I forgot any points and you need clarification on it you can dm me at Intel#8013. I respect all of the points that you made and I hope you do the same with mine.

remember me :(
8:45pm Jan-17-2021
While this is a good start, not enough time has passed between you alting and being a nuisance. Denied
Freshest Guy You Know
8:49pm Jan-17-2021
lol you wrote 2 massive paragraphs but didn't even apologize once nice ban appeal
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