Home > Forum > Denied Unban/Unmute Appeals > MurdurMun :Discord:
Karma-Gaming - MurdurMun :Discord:
MurdurMun :Discord:
3:02pm Jan-20-2021
Requesting User

Steam Name (*Minecraft Name if applicable)
Yur deaaad

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
UnMute/Ungag request:

I dont remember why I was muted/Gagged. What ever that I have done, I regret and will never ever think of doing again. I apologize from heart and would sacrifice my life and blood to play on this awesome server of yours. If I have ever wrong anyone, I ask them to forgive me. I stand here in front of you to apologize and accept that decision that you wish to put on me. There is no other way I can put this, but if you unmute and ungag me today I will do social work and help prevent the people from following the disgusting inhumane path I have chosen. I plead guilty and I hope you accept my appeal. Thank you.

4:45pm Jan-20-2021
You cause constant issues in the server and have been muted multiple times in the past for being racist or saying the N word, I'm done with you toeing the line and pushing the rules. You are permanently silenced.
Karma-Gaming - Forum