Karma-Gaming - Nathan-_- :AWP:
Nathan-_- :AWP:
4:48pm May-04-2021
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
Hey I was banned for aimbot, I dont use any sort of aimbot (if u guys wanna check my pc or something) I don't know how to prove my innocence but I do enjoy playing on the server and I'm hoping to be unbanned

.viD ma I
4:51pm May-04-2021
So our anti-cheat just falsely caught you trigger-botting?
4:58pm May-04-2021
I dont know what triggerbot is exactly and I know you guys have a super good anti cheat, but i promise I dont cheat so i dont know if like false positives are common or whatever. Also the source bans said i was banned by zade and all the other bans are by console so maybe it was by accident.
.viD ma I
5:02pm May-04-2021
the anti-cheat picked you up and I told Zade to ban you and not wait for the anti-cheat to. If you'd like to come clean maybe we will unban you.
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