Home > Forum > Denied Unban requests > JDN :1v1+Retakes:
Karma-Gaming - JDN :1v1+Retakes:
JDN :1v1+Retakes:
5:08pm May-09-2021
Requesting User

Steam Name
I bhop alot

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
hey so I was playing on the server normally and I was talking to people and all of a sudden I got banned. So then I check the bans on the Karma website and it literally said that my reason of ban was "fuck it" Idk if this is some troll but if its not I wanna report this as admin abuse too. I really hope you can figure this out. Thank you

5:17pm May-09-2021
Bro what the fuck are you talking about, I joined the server and everyone is being extremely cancer everyone is in voice saying oh know dinky is here, I was beyond annoyed and you screamed into your fucking microphone don't spin that shit like you didn't know what was going on.
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