Home > Forum > Denied Unban/Unmute Appeals > Glock19x :Combat Surf:
Karma-Gaming - Glock19x :Combat Surf:
Glock19x :Combat Surf:
6:50pm Jun-07-2021
Last Edit By: Glock19x
At: 6:51pm Jun-07-2021
Requesting User

Steam Name
Backwood Smoker

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute
honestly not sure who banned me from discord i wasnt given a reason...

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I got banned from the discord for stating how i felt about ANY server admins not just karma's, but i see how it is so next time ill just keep my opinion to myself even though i have freedom of speech... is there any way this discord ban be lifted?

6:53pm Jun-07-2021
Perhaps in the future, sharing your "opinion" doesn't excuse you from acting like a child. I'll be locking this post, as I did the last one because the discussion is over. I'll gladly extend your punishment if necessary.
Karma-Gaming - Forum