Home > Forum > Approved Unban requests > ikonasty :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Karma-Gaming - ikonasty :Un Ban/Mute Request:
ikonasty :Un Ban/Mute Request:
4:37pm Apr-11-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
i came on this morning and was banned. dont know why. was playing good last night. probably a bad admin. i want to know why im banned if i can get unbanned. even in the source bans there is no reason.
7:53pm Apr-11-2020
Upon looking into your detection, I talked to a developer who explained to me that what you were detected for has no possibility of being a false positive. Honesty is the best policy with us, if you want to be honest we can work something out. Otherwise, have a good day.
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