Home > Forum > Denied Unban requests > Inteliscute :Discord:
Karma-Gaming - Inteliscute :Discord:
Inteliscute :Discord:
6:35pm Sep-05-2021
Requesting User

Steam Name
xtra discord xtra#7075

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I don't remember if I was ever unbanned before the first time so I am going to go with the first time I was banned from the discord. The first time I was banned from the discord I spammed an ip grabber in general using the website grabify. From that link no one actually clicked it so I didn't get anyones ip but I do know what I did was dumb and regret it. I have recently made an unban request from the server as I would like to join back into the community. So far as of making this request the unban request from the server hasn't been accept or denied. I could understand how you may not want someone like me back into your community so maybe as a start I could get back into the discord just so I can get more friendly with the community and bring my reputation up. If this request cannot be fulfilled I would be willing to hear what I can do to successfully get unbanned on the server. I believe that if I am able to get unbanned from the discord it will help with my goal of being unbanned from the server and it will also help me be more respectful to your community and the players/staff in it. Thank you for reading, and hope to see you guys soon!

remember me :(
The √-1 and then some
9:01pm Sep-08-2021

After discussing with upper staff, we decided that your past actions were too severe to be unbanned.
Karma-Gaming - Forum