Karma-Gaming - bang local milfs :Discord:
bang local milfs :Discord:
bang local milfs
10:32pm Dec-30-2021
Requesting User
bang local milfs

Steam Name

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I just got back to playing csgo and I matured and got older because when I was in the server I was 12 and posted weird stuff and said weird stuff so I liked to say I'm sorry about doing that stuff and being underaged, If you want to contact me my discord is 一婊子#7357, I hope to get unbanned.

The √-1 and then some
6:33pm Jan-20-2022
Honestly I'd unban you but the discord information provided isn't showing up anywhere. Have you tried joining and maybe had issues verifying?
bang local milfs
3:11pm Jan-23-2022
I'm so sorry about my discord, I changed it not to long ago so I will try not to change it while you fix it, by the way if you don't know me, its Timmy, so here is my discord Sergeant. AD#7357
The √-1 and then some
5:46pm Jan-23-2022
Karma-Gaming - Forum