Karma-Gaming - Nagatoro :1v1:
Nagatoro :1v1:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
8:47pm Sep-20-2022
Requesting User

In Game/Steam/Origin Name

Steam ID

Your Discord User


Do you own a microphone

Do you have any previous CSGO or T2 staff/admin experience

If yes, details. How long, where at etc

Do you have any previous NON CSGO or T2 staff/admin experience

If so, details

Which Karma server are you applying for

How long have you been playing on karma servers
2 Weeks

What is your primary time zone (closest to you)
Eastern USA

How many HOURS PER DAY do you play (average)

How many DAYS PER WEEK do you play

What additional talents/skills could you bring to the staff team
From the time ive played on the 1v1 server ive made friends with alot of the people on there and want to provide my new friends with a fun non toxic server to play on. in the couple weeks ive played on this server ive encountered many toxic and mic spamming players that dont make the server fun for alot of people and would like to give those people an opportunity to have some control over the toxicity on the server

What do you think makes a good staff member
i think a good leadership as well as having trust from others and giving them a chance to call the shots as well instead of just having the decision be made under one person

Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
8:47pm Sep-20-2022
Verification ID: 19C98387-EE75-491D-ABF6-153A464639B8
You can close this application by using the Verification ID HERE
8:48pm Sep-20-2022
0 2 week playtime, but seems genuine.
9:10pm Sep-20-2022

Just sat in the server for a little listening to him interact with the server. Seems genuine. Though his playtime is low, 1v1 is in need of staff.
Imagine Running a Daycare XD
12:59pm Sep-21-2022
0 Dont really know him but his app is pretty lack luster (Mr. Shot Caller XD)

2:03pm Sep-21-2022
Last Edit By: s1n
At: 2:03pm Sep-21-2022
+1. Is an okay guy, curious to see how he does on the team.
Darth Elmo
4:34pm Sep-22-2022
+1 we need staff
9:24pm Sep-22-2022
This app has been approved
Email Sent To User:
Congratulations! Your staff application has been approved. An admin from Karma-Gaming will reach out to you within a day to walk you through the next steps.
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