Home > Forum > Denied Unban/Unmute Appeals > OneThree13 :AWP Bhop:
Karma-Gaming - OneThree13 :AWP Bhop:
OneThree13 :AWP Bhop:
3:39pm Mar-05-2023
Requesting User

Steam/Origin Name

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from
AWP Bhop

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute (if applicable)
I cant remember prob multiple

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
It has been just over 2 years since my initial ban. Ive changed, i wanted to apologize to all the big namers whos egos i demolished by supplying many cringe children with undetectable cheats. Im sorry for the disruption I caused in the community. I love u all and i hope you can forgive me.

P.s if i cant be unbanned from the server can i be unbanned in the discord (i was banned by dinky because quote "my voice is annoying") *sad emoji

4:35pm Mar-05-2023
Due to your history with Karma servers you will not be getting unbanned from the servers or discord.
Karma-Gaming - Forum