Karma-Gaming - Sauce :Surf Timer:
Sauce :Surf Timer:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
11:51pm Apr-05-2023
Requesting User

In Game/Steam/Origin Name
sauce $X

Steam ID

Your Discord User


Do you own a microphone

Do you have any previous CSGO or T2 staff/admin experience

If yes, details. How long, where at etc

Do you have any previous NON CSGO or T2 staff/admin experience

If so, details
I was admin multiple FIVE M GTA servers including the positions of community manager, head management, admin, senior admin

Which Karma server are you applying for
Surf Timer

How long have you been playing on karma servers
2 Months

What is your primary time zone (closest to you)
Eastern USA

How many HOURS PER DAY do you play (average)

How many DAYS PER WEEK do you play

What additional talents/skills could you bring to the staff team
Communication Communication is the foundation of effective teamwork
Time management
Critical thinking Collaboration
Leadership always have a positive out look on things and any situation

What do you think makes a good staff member
what makes me stand out the most is my skills to be able too de escalate situations in a calmly manner I am always online and will be able too help in any situation and available too answer any questions or fix any ones problems when needed i love too help people without anything in return this position would be great for me as i love to surf and i am always looking to help people in the surf community i hope you take my application into consideration and see the positive outlook i can bring too the team :)

Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
11:51pm Apr-05-2023
Verification ID: 5BBC163D-B06A-4948-949F-F204F684CD14
You can close this application by using the Verification ID HERE
11:58pm Apr-05-2023
+1 Someone asks "What you guys think of suicide?" This mans says, "I think you should fricking (not frick) try it."
12:55am Apr-06-2023
Last Edit By: Trevor
At: 12:55am Apr-06-2023
+1 We need surf timer staff
I hate you all
10:46am Apr-06-2023
Last Edit By: Alu
At: 11:20am Apr-06-2023
+1, decent app. Noticed he joined discord recently. 10 hours a day 7 days a week seems a little sus but it is what it is. Can't speak on him as a person

EDIT: -1. I believe this is the same sauce with different information that applied and got denied when he applied for awp shop. The user on the forums seems to have joined at a same date which could be a coincidence but his steam profile has his apex which correlates to the boosting wunka mentioned. Also, Inflated playtime/boosts accounts on apex/doesn't know the community like zade said if it is in fact same person. seems disingenuous and sounds like he is openly racist on the servers according to his awp app.
12:18pm Apr-06-2023
0. I have never met this person. It looks like they have experience in gta 5m, but not a lot of experience in cs:go. I have no opinion here
8:09pm Apr-06-2023
Last Edit By: Billybob
At: 8:09pm Apr-06-2023
Neutral Rep -/+ I don't Know this person but the application is very well thought out and looks like he spent his time on it. I think he should put some more time into the server before being accepted. Grammar also needs to be worked on.
5:24pm Apr-07-2023
This app has been approved
Email Sent To User:
Congratulations! your staff application has been approved. An admin from Karma-Gaming will reach out to you within a few hours to walk you through the next steps.
I hate you all
Karma-Gaming - Forum