User (Karma Source) Posts: 0
| Requesting User
Steam/Origin Name
Steam ID
Which Karma server were you banned from
AWP Bhop
Name of admin responsible for ban/mute (if applicable)
Type of Request
Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I am apart of the hvh community. (I only cheat on community made hvh servers specifically made for that) I forgot that I was injected when i initially joined the server I did not mean to join while injected nor do I find any intrest cheating against legit players. I have 2 friends who play awp bhop alot and I want to play with them but i am ip banned. You can instantly ban my account if you see me cheating again. I don't mean any offense and did not mean to. I never even killed anyone on the server. I just want to play the server with my friends.