Home > Forum > Approved Unban/Unmute Appeals > juiciijayy :CS-1v1:
Karma-Gaming - juiciijayy :CS-1v1:
juiciijayy :CS-1v1:
11:45am Jan-18-2025
Requesting User

Steam/Origin Name
Kamala Harris

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute (if applicable)

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I'm not even entirely sure if I really was banned or not, but I was playing on the 1v1 server last night and all of a sudden got randomly kicked from the lobby and could not rejoin. I got on my other account that I play on even more frequently and still could not join the server, so I'm assuming I was IP banned. I have no reason why the ban happened, I basically never use my mic and rarely type in chat. Here are the steam account name and IDs for the two other accounts that I've played this server on: juiciijayy (STEAM_0:1:245265021) juusey (STEAM_0:1:569102691)

3:58pm Feb-03-2025
I hate you all
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