Karma-Gaming - priddle :Un Ban/Mute Request:
priddle :Un Ban/Mute Request:
9:16pm Apr-29-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute
noobguy i assume

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
So a guy name pukah was being toxic right when i said one thing which was "Am i removed from the stream bot?" He says tfu stfu imagine having the name angel. We got in abit of a argument i stopped the argument but before i stopped i called him a hard R in private DMS the kid is playing the vicitim and apperantly he told noobguy i was continueing the argument in DMS when i didnt i blocked the guy and want to play ttt then i got blocked and removed from the discord the kid should be removed if i was removed as well cause he kept calling me a pussy i blocked him to keep myself out of trouble and me calling him the hard R has nothing to do with the karma discord as no one saw it but him in his private DMS i would like to be unbanned since i didnt continue the argument in dms and called him a hard R before i was told to stop arguing i fucking hell i even payed for vip on this server.
7:41pm Apr-30-2020
I really do enjoy the server and im friendly and have alot of friends in karma this guy was just toxic and like i said i did stop the argument when told 2
Polar Express Kid
3:30pm May-01-2020
-1 You know what you did. Ever since you started to play on karma, we had found out about your toxic side. Yes I know you are trying to take action for rule breakers but you do not have that power to. Mini modding is not allowed and I have gotten reports from many players of you being toxic to them, other players, and even people in the discord. Mainly the most recent one of you sending racial slurs to a player in the discord which you should not have done. You have also been a problem with staff for a long time.
The √-1 and then some
3:36pm May-01-2020
Priddle, you've been a constant problem on the server. Particularly TTT. Every time you log on, there's always an argument that breaks out, you become toxic, report everyone who kills you even if it was a just kill in the hopes of just getting someone punished. You say "don't call me retarded because I have a disability" but you then turn around and call someone the hard R? Priddle, you ask for someone to be banned all the time for the exact things you are doing yourself. Maybe it's time to grow up a little bit and see your own hypocrisy.
3:48pm May-01-2020
I agree with Wunka, you can't use your disability as a safe card and then proceed to insult someone else based on an instrinsic characteristic. That is one gigantic hypocrisy and it also refutes your own point for starting the argument in the first place.
4:46pm May-01-2020
-1 whenever im on you are toxic twords other people
sup bby
4:51pm May-01-2020
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