Home > Forum > Application Discussion > Approved Staff Apps > Not A Birb :Staff Application:
Karma-Gaming - Not A Birb :Staff Application:
Not A Birb :Staff Application:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
5:01pm Mar-04-2020
Requesting User
Not A Birb

In Game/Steam Name

Link your discord profile (ex username#1234)
Not A Birb#7058


Do you own a microphone

Do you have any previous CS:GO staff/admin experience

If yes, details How long, where at etc
Unfortunately not in CSGO but in several discord servers I have.

Do you have any previous NON CS:GO staff/admin experience

If so, details
I am staff in a bunch of Discord servers. I a mod/admin in a bunch of twitch discord servers, A server called Cryptic Events. In there the staff would look at player apps, staff apps, and more. I would have to mute and delete messages from people a lot more than expected.

Which servers do you primarily play
Karma TTT

How long have you been playing on karma servers
>3 Months

How many hours per day do you play

How many days a week do you play

What additional talents/skills could you bring to the staff team
I am friendly to most people I meet in the server. I know how to handle certain situations. Ex: If someone is in an argument with someone else in the server or in the discord I would try to get them both to calm down and try to get both of their sides. I would do what is needed to the players if needed at that time. I am very well known to the community and liked by most. If you were to go into the server and ask if I was friendly and a fun person to play with and talk to would you get a Yes from most people. Most of the time I am very organized and know what I am doing and how to do it. I will also punish myself if I broke any of the rules no matter what.

What do you think makes a good staff member
I think a good Staff member needs to be strict to a point, friendly, know what their doing at all times, knowing all the rules and how to follow them, know how to punish someone if needed at the time, be helpful to everyone, responsible for their own actions done to the server or a player, take action into their own hands if need be, and always listen to the others around you. If you hear someone talking about a problem with another player, try to break it up and talk to each player before acting and slaying or muting them if needed. A staff member should also not be completely lenient because if you weren't lenient at all, the server would go into chaos. To have a voice in the community means you can help the community grow and be peaceful. Which is always what a staff member should be, peaceful to everyone.
Smite is gay.
5:17pm Mar-12-2020
0 very good app but still not mature enough I think.
~ Inevitlee
1:11am Mar-13-2020
0 I honestly dont know, hes tried so hard to get staff and I do believe he deserves a chance at this point, but I think that the community will not like it if this guy got staff. I also belive he would be bullied like there's no tomorrow. If he does get accepted then we should keep an eye on him.
11:16am Mar-13-2020
+1 as long as we keep a close eye on him.
heyy im noah :)
7:15pm Mar-14-2020
-1 absolutely not. He has proven to me he doesn't deserve it. He is extremely immature and cannot handle situations given or provided. He would and (does) favor friends over logic and reason.
i'm ngen
11:19am Mar-16-2020
+1 Birb is a good kid, he knows the rules and he has a great app. I think we should give him a chance.
women love me
1:06pm Mar-16-2020
Not going to give a + or -, but if we do accept him, he'd need to be under close watch.
12:04am Mar-17-2020
+1 12th times the charm
4:43pm Mar-17-2020
we'll give him a chance
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