Home > Forum > Approved Unban/Unmute Appeals > london2k :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Karma-Gaming - london2k :Un Ban/Mute Request:
london2k :Un Ban/Mute Request:
1:12pm May-15-2020
Last Edit By: london2k
At: 2:46am May-16-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I think it banned me because of a cross hair program that i had running or because i had a recoil script and i know recoil script is a cheat but it is useless in awp no spread. I know that i had a cheat running but it had no effect on the awp. I know that i deserve some type of punishment for my actions and hope you guys can lower the ban. I promise to not run any scripts while playing on your servers and hope we can negotiate a appropriate ban length for my actions.
A Random Guy
9:01am May-18-2020
Last Edit By: <mathias>
At: 9:07am May-18-2020
I see that the cheat you were using was not giving you an better advantage and you are honest about what you were using which i appreciate and i would say a perm ban is to much.
Awp Is For Casuals.
A Random Guy
9:03am May-18-2020
Last Edit By: <mathias>
At: 9:08am May-18-2020
But try not to cheat again nothing good comes out of it and hopefully you have learned from it.
Awp Is For Casuals.
4:35pm May-18-2020
Ban reduced to a week.
Karma-Gaming - Forum