Home > Forum > Approved Unban requests > BLLNYETHERUSSIANSPY :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Karma-Gaming - BLLNYETHERUSSIANSPY :Un Ban/Mute Request:
11:53am May-19-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name
Fear BillNye

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I was banned for toxicity and too many bans.
I wouldn't have applied so early but I was encouraged by a staff to try so here I am. I cant say i didn't deserve the silence. For it was a placeholder for the ban. But I feel like im ready to show you guys that I've actually improved. If i need to give you more time please let me know.
Freshest Guy You Know
6:42am May-22-2020
I feel this user is an avid player of the server and should be given a second chance as he's shown that he can handle himself post silence. He hasn't caused much trouble and he is ready for a second chance.
Polar Express Kid
9:42am May-22-2020
He has been on ttt lately and hasn't really done anything against the rules let alone argue with staff once. I think he deserves a second chance.
Karma-Gaming - Forum