Karma-Gaming - Scared :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Scared :Un Ban/Mute Request:
7:13pm May-21-2020
Last Edit By: Scared
At: 7:16pm May-21-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
so i quit steam for a bit to factory reset my pc and i finally got everything setup yesterday and running. So today i decided to get on csgo to play ttt/karma and it said i was banned, i was blown away because of how confused i was. so i went to the website and looked at the source bans and typed in my steamid and it said i was banned for cheating? i am so confused because im not vac banned on my profile on steam and i dont even cheat, i really like the karma ttt community even know sometimes people on the server really annoy me, but i still play. also i really dont know why i would cheat on a level 23 steam account where im trying to get to level 33 rn. you can see my inventory has 3 keys. it would be dumb to loose all that money that i put in for my account level on steam because my goal is to get to 100 for my steam account. just wanted to say that i dont know why i was banned. Thank You for your time - Scared
7:21pm May-21-2020
Last Edit By: Scared
At: 7:58pm May-21-2020
i just checked a vac checker for accounts and this i what i saw https://i.imgur.com/8wSNOgL.png if you look at the status it shows that i was banned then it got removed, im am so confused. i think i might of got a false vac ban. i also checked my email and i have no email saying i was vac banned
7:59pm May-21-2020
Never mind im a fucking dumbass and didnt read the section where is said four possible reasons
5:44am May-22-2020
Your ban was for a cheating infraction by the anti cheat, you are not VAC banned (http://karma-gaming.net/sourcebans/index.php?p=banlist&advSearch=STEAM_1:1:432484843&advType=steamid) this is probably a false positive because I doubt you actually cheat.
11:45pm May-23-2020
Last Edit By: Scared
At: 11:49pm May-23-2020
Thanks Ari, i just hope i get unbanned
Freshest Guy You Know
9:24am May-24-2020
To further explain our servers have been having issues with the anti-cheat flagging certain acts as cheats. There will be delays in unbans do to this. Please be patient and an unban will come soon.
11:14pm May-24-2020
Ok, Thanks Alot
9:26pm May-25-2020
Can't find an anticheat log for your ban so unbanning
9:33pm May-25-2020
after further review I found you actually did cheat on our servers on the 30th of april. I'm keeping you banned.
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