TAKS :Un Ban/Mute Request:
![]() | TAKS | 6:31pm Jun-02-2020 |
User (Karma Source) Posts: 0 | Requesting User TAKS Steam Name TAKS Steam ID STEAM_1:1:550192343 Name of admin responsible for ban/mute Console Type of Request Unban Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved Reason: "Cheating Infraction" Back in the 80s there was a boy named Kampf and a lot of people bullied him and they would call him Mein Kampf and Hitlers little helper which was just so horrible and would make me sick to my stomach so one day I deiced to stand up for Kampf at the time I was in the 1st grade, so the bullies at recess would corner him and call him names like I said so I caught them just as Billy the leader of the cult was about to call Kampf a "big fat nigger that no one likes" I split from anger and grabbed his hair and whipped his head around to look me in the eyes the absolute fear on his face in that moment made me crack a smile I said to his face "Don't ever bully Kampf again your stinky ass slut, now gag on this dick like you mean it you gross bitch" I then proceed to drop my pants and push Billys face towards my fat cock(I had a FAT BBC for a 5 year old) and make him suck it with as little breath as possible he was at the point of passing out each time I let him get a breath I liked it like that. Of course I was punished for these actions but at the point I didn't understand why, for one I had protected Kampf I just didn't get why the punishment was so harsh. Fast forward 30 years I'm now a fat gross 35 year old man that's living in a shity apartment and living off government welfare because I lied and said I was native but still as a grown man I gotta get off some how so in my spare time I rape little helpless restarted toddlers but I go a little to far and rape my brothers retarded son and he finds out about this and reports me to the police the police take me in and soon find out that I'm the one that's been raping all the toddlers "3536" victims in total without any hesitation they send me to alcatraz I spend about 14 years behind bars and just as there about to release me they say that I'm actually sentenced to death and I have one last request before they shock me to death so I request to play CS:GO Combat Surf but I had a trick up my ass 14 years before all this I had actually had a dream about this whole thing so before I was sent to a alcatraz I had made a USB with aimware.net on it and shoved it up my ass and kept it there the whole time I was in prison so as I'm sitting there about to launch CS I reach up my ass and get the USB and plug it in but as I'm playing the S.W.A.T team comes in and says that this whole thing was a mistake and I'm free to go the first thing I do when I get out is go home and fire up CS but I soon find out I'm banned I think that I deserve an other chance 14 years in prison gave me a lot of time to think about my actions and I regret everything and I'm older and a lot wiser now and I vow if I'm unbanned that I'll never cheat again. PS. Thank you for your time. FROM: TAKS |
![]() | iBirb Polar Express Kid | 8:05pm Jun-02-2020 |
User (Karma Source) Posts: 315 | -1 Tf is this, a fucking jail story |