Karma-Gaming - Iamtotoro :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Iamtotoro :Un Ban/Mute Request:
4:27pm Jun-30-2020
Last Edit By: Iamtotoro
At: 4:31pm Jun-30-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name
Hello My Name Is Totoro

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
There is no evidence for my ban nor is there any related evidence towards my "hacking". Reason for ban says VAC banned but on my profile there is no such evidence. Players complaining that i hack because of my shaky hands from carpal tunnel does not mean that i hack. The comments that are posted on my profile were purposely left there. I leave those comments as trophies to my "skill". Please review any so called evidence that you may have and please unban me.
6:33pm Jun-30-2020
The thing you're reading as VAC is our anti-cheat called "VACuum-AntiCheat" it is our custom anti-cheat. I will look further into why you got banned but before I do please understand this. If you were cheating, we appreciate honesty, if you're honest about cheating it will most likely work in your favor. Cheating: using a hacked client, injecting cheats, using macros, ahk scripts, anything that gives you benefits from something that isn't in the game.
🍧 🐶 - 朿頁乇づ
11:21pm Jun-30-2020
No cheating whatsoever. If its because people think that i'm using macros, then I can thank soldierfront for my trigger finger.
11:54pm Jul-01-2020
Do you remember what server you were on during your ban?
1:55pm Jul-02-2020
It was the 1v1 server
10:10am Jul-03-2020
Please provide a steam 32 ID format (STEAM_1:0:1245632) then resubmit the ban appeal.
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