Karma-Gaming - TheKitFabled :Un Ban/Mute Request:
TheKitFabled :Un Ban/Mute Request:
5:54pm Jul-03-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
i was false banned while i was playing combat surf after i got a lucky usp kill and got 2 other kill that werent that good but poeple kept just saying i was super sus even after someone looked at my steam account which is level 36 with the golden steam background plus i have an over $200 cs inventory and i have most of the summer sale items plus i bought 4 games today and opened 6 cases then played two wingman matches before playing combat surf, i am wingman rank DMG after i deranked from LEM and my Comp rank is GN3 with 600 hours in cs.
6:29pm Jul-03-2020
I was there at the time but unfortunately didn't see the kills. I heard everyone accusing of cheats and then banned automatically by the anti-cheat. I am not that knowledgeable about the anti-cheat, and nor do i know how the kills looked. By going off what i do know, this sure does seem suspicious.
6:29pm Jul-03-2020
You were banned by our Anti-Cheat... No admin banned you because you were "suspicious".
A Random Guy
6:30pm Jul-03-2020
You blatantly cheated both me and other players saw it you locked on people through walls and was blatantly using hacks. after you did your funny aim locking you got banned.
Awp Is For Casuals.
11:36pm Jul-03-2020
You have a previous ban by our anti-cheat. This has been denied.
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