Karma-Gaming - :) :Un Ban/Mute Request:
:) :Un Ban/Mute Request:
7:16pm Jul-13-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name
:) -iwnl

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I was banned for cheating however I haven't cheated once in my life. I really enjoy playing on the 1v1 server. I don't know what got me banned I was flicking around with my mouse trying to gain speed for bhops. I don't know if that's what caused it.
hola soy dora
11:25pm Jul-13-2020
Un-private your profile
1:01pm Jul-14-2020
Were you using any script to help your movement? We like honesty here.
4:42pm Jul-14-2020
Last Edit By: :)
At: 4:53pm Jul-14-2020
I was not using any scripts to help with my movement. I put that on my entire family. I use my mouse scroll wheel for bhops. I have razer synapse but I don't have any macros set up or anything that would help me in csgo. I also have a WIFI adapter and it keeps dropping my connection. It can sent a lot of packets to a server while trying to reconnect that might have also caused it.
hola soy dora
I Make Things
9:57pm Jul-14-2020
get a better wifi adapter?
8:35pm Jul-15-2020
I am getting a new adapter soon. until I get it I will have to live with connection timeouts.
hola soy dora
6:19pm Jul-16-2020
3:48pm Jul-18-2020
User was unbanned, I looked furhter into it on their second ban and they will stay banned, as they wre definitely cheating.
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