Home > Forum > Approved Unban/Unmute Appeals > Skilzz4life :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Karma-Gaming - Skilzz4life :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Skilzz4life :Un Ban/Mute Request:
12:40pm Jul-23-2020
Last Edit By: Skilzz4life
At: 12:49pm Jul-23-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name
Taun We

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
Again, I was banned for using an alt account to "evade a ban". I still don't get why you think this is an alt account to evade a ban. I can assure you that Shoot and I are not the same people and have different accounts. If you want to make sure that we are different people, unban us and ask us both to get on at the same time. I have well over a hundred hours on this server, and over 500 hours on CS. ShootForOne and I own the same computer, but I usually play on our dad's computer because those are the only two in this house. When our dad is on his computer me and Shoot have to share one or let the other one play. I usually let Shoot play while I do something else. ShootForOne got banned, didn't tell me, and I tried to login to karma on my account on the same computer. It then said I was banned.
Polar Express Kid
10:37pm Jul-24-2020
You were banned for a duplicate account because "ShootForOne" your brother I am assuming was banned for a cheating infraction.

Just hang in there and be patient
10:43pm Jul-24-2020
4:27pm Jul-25-2020
we'll give you a second chance, but if your friend/brother cheats again then you are both gone permanently
5:36pm Jul-25-2020
Ok, thanks.
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