Karma-Gaming - omni :Staff Application:
omni :Staff Application:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
10:02pm Mar-20-2020
Requesting User

In Game/Steam Name

Steam ID

Link your discord profile (ex username#1234)


Do you own a microphone

Do you have any previous CS:GO staff/admin experience

If yes, details How long, where at etc
I used to be staff on Giclan Surf rpg for about a year or so, and I have previously been nearly Head-Admin on Legion on the awp-bhop server, for about 3-4 months.

Do you have any previous NON CS:GO staff/admin experience

If so, details
I have been staff on many Runescape gold selling services recently, and have been kinda drifting away from it because i'm currently getting tired of the game.

Which servers do you primarily play
TTT and FFA Combat Surf

How long have you been playing on karma servers
>3 Months

How many hours per day do you play

How many days a week do you play

What additional talents/skills could you bring to the staff team
I can bring a lot of fun to the server with my personality and I will always follow the rules and make sure everyone else is following the rules within the karma rule set. I have a nice rep within the TTT community and I very much enjoy playing with everyone and becoming friends with the players within the community.

What do you think makes a good staff member
I have a nice beard & a amazing gaming chair. As well, I have amazing smoking and cooking skills. Also I would like to reference back to my ex-staff details where I explain how long I have been staff within community's over the past years, so I'd like to think I'm fully eligible to become a long-term staff member to karma gaming
10:04pm Mar-20-2020
+1 for my mans Omni hes a cool dude and has alot of experience i like that and seems like he took his time with the application! I totally think we should give him a chance!
i drink gorilla glue
1:56am Mar-21-2020
+1 I'll take Rack's word for it
i'm ngen
7:49am Mar-21-2020
+1 would be a great staff member he knows the rules and has played for a long time. And hes very friendly. good app
I Smoke Things
5:41pm Mar-21-2020
+1 Great app
*Sniff* Smells like Smite
1:03pm Mar-22-2020
+1 Seems like a good person, good app.
It's a plane, it's a bird, it's SMITE.
1:47pm Mar-22-2020
+1 Good app and good person
heyy im noah :)
10:31pm Mar-23-2020
+1 well formed app
3:15am Mar-25-2020
User was banned from server for a day and permanently banned from 10 mans. Possibly toxic individual. I'll take a few day to consider this application
3:24am Mar-25-2020
+1 Good app and seems to be an overall good guy, hopefully what happens on 10 man never happens again. I say give him a shot.
5:19am Mar-25-2020
+1 good app think Ive seen him but never really made a note of him
women love me
11:31am Mar-26-2020
+1 Good app
7:45am Mar-27-2020
Welcome to staff omni
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