Home > Forum > Approved Unban requests > Veikindi :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Karma-Gaming - Veikindi :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Veikindi :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
3:35am Mar-24-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name
Fake 1797 Draped Bust Half Dolla

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I was banned unreasonably on 03-24-20 07:02 for the reason "Steam Community Group Ban (c0yn3): Telecamp, mic spam, toxicity, etc..." I was in the group "c0yn3" but I was not involved with mic spamming, or telecamping, or being toxic. I had my mic muted due to it being late at night.
3:52am Mar-25-2020
I believe daniel unbanned your group.
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