Home > Forum > Approved Unban requests > DevotedTaYuYu :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Karma-Gaming - DevotedTaYuYu :Un Ban/Mute Request:
DevotedTaYuYu :Un Ban/Mute Request:
2:46am Aug-20-2020
Requesting User

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Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
It was 1am and i was shooting at my equeth567 who was more than okay with it, but it definitely was not minging. At most it was t bait and rdm (AT 1am). Every rdm i've seen has been confronted by asking why the offender did it, then the victim is asked if they want them slain. Far from a 2wk. minging is "Purposely acting like an idiot, purposely ruining the experience for others." But at 1am with no one expressing or complaining that I was a problem (actually it was quite the opposite) the admin not even in the server banned me for minging. I think the "others" should be asked if their experience is being ruined before minging is executed at 1am. Also I think the person I was "t baiting" should have a say (Egqueth567). Jacob said it's a 2week ban because i'm a repeat offender. My first ban was me addressing someone in admin chat as the n word with a soft a because that person was spamming the hard r on his mic without repercussion, I guess my offense was more of a passionate mistake but also that offender was muted and I was banned because it was in admin chat, in my opinion the soft a is ignorant to punish because of how it isn't racially motivated offense unlike the hard r, especially when i was referring to someone who was attacking many people in the server and wasn't being muted. i asked for an appeal but the appeal instead of being taken seriously was brushed aside saying 'its only one day, wait it out' (paraphrasing) so that arguably unfair ban, was the reason my second ban was "repeat offender". The ban was about me talking in traitor chat essentially hazing the other traitors by saying they are a t in the private chat (to spook them) which isn't a terrible offense but i understand why it is one lead to a week ban because i'm a "Repeat offender. See you later ;)" My bans are over extended because my first ban appeal was ignored, essentially snowballing into a 2week ban at 1am for shooting my friend who wouldn't even have slayed me if was asked for it. Overall I think it's just an unfair ban especially how i wasn't even consulted for means of a 2 week ban. light a n-word isn't racist and I bet if i cared to report about the constant homophobia and racism actually displayed on the server it would show that 90% of it is overlooked, especially homophobia because I guess hard F isn't even punishable. The words themselves are the only thing considered to be homophobic and racist, when today with admins on I heard people repeatedly say "I hate blacks" and "dirty blacks" but because they didn't say the key word :O, overlooked. I couldn't even count how many homophobic insults are said constantly on the TTT Karma server. I'm going to end the appeal here, but I hope i got my point across. ❤️
7:33am Aug-20-2020
This player has shown me that he has failed to read the rules of the server and properly understand how to play on it. Asking me questions like "What is minging?" when that definition is literally rule #1. He continues to T-bait and continues to not understand how to properly be a teammate regardless of what team he is on. I will lessen the ban to 1 week because 2 weeks is a little harsh in my opinion, and I was the one who banned him.

If you fail to read the rules and understand how to play the game properly and not be a toxic player during your time off our servers, you will be permanently banned from our servers.
🍧 🐶 - 朿頁乇づ
Imagine Running a Daycare XD
10:28am Aug-21-2020
Jacob im gonna moved this to approved since you lessened the ban :D

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