Home > Forum > Denied Unban/Unmute Appeals > canthitshotsqt :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Karma-Gaming - canthitshotsqt :Un Ban/Mute Request:
canthitshotsqt :Un Ban/Mute Request:
2:33pm Mar-31-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name
cant hit shots qt

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I got banned yesterday and I don't know why I didn't do anything i just left to go eat and came back to see that I was banned and my friend told me to go to the Karma site and request an unban. I was just hoping I could get unbanned from the server. It also said i was banned from "Cheating Infraction" when i dont hack.

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