Home > Forum > Denied Unban requests > damien :Multi 1v1:
Karma-Gaming - damien :Multi 1v1:
damien :Multi 1v1:
3:17pm Nov-12-2020
Last Edit By: damien
At: 10:05pm Nov-12-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name
d a m i e n

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from
Multi 1v1

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
i got hacked on my old acc and used to play on karma, Then i made a new acc because i lost my old one and i am using this account now, I got banned for alts since they were under the same IP. Please unban me and let me play on this account as i love karma servers and wish to play again.

6:04pm Nov-12-2020
You got hacked? Or you hacked? Lets be more honest, and I will consider unbanning.
6:05pm Nov-12-2020
Denied. Feel free to appeal again when you are open to being more honest.
Karma-Gaming - Forum