Karma-Gaming - blobby :West Minecraft:
blobby :West Minecraft:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
1:45am Dec-30-2020
Requesting User

In Game/Steam Name

Steam ID

Your Discord User


Do you own a microphone

Do you have any previous CS:GO staff/admin experience

If yes, details. How long, where at etc

Do you have any previous NON CS:GO staff/admin experience

If so, details
I had admin in a mc community on minehut for around 8+months, the server is called hardcourse. Hardcourse is pretty popular and has been mentioned and played on by the owner of minehut and the staff team. Famous minehut streamers or content creators have too, the video is up on YouTube. My ign is blipkin in minecraft.

Which Karma server are you applying for
West Minecraft

How long have you been playing on karma servers
1 Month

What is your primary timezone(closest to you)

How many HOURS PER DAY do you play (average)

How many DAYS PER WEEK do you play

What additional talents/skills could you bring to the staff team
I can bring my Dedication, Sensibility, and Playtime Flexibility to the server.

Dedication - I am very dedicated to my roles and I am not interested in leaving within weeks of being in the staff team. I will strive to work the hardest I can and achieve the most I can with whatever role I have. I will take the least leaves I can take in situations and I will try to help other staff members too.

Sensibility - I can be sensible as it conveys the fact that I take my role or job in the server realistically instead of treating it like a joke. Since I'm 14, I shouldn't have have any troubles drafting up at quick paragraph to a fellow staff member or player to clarify anything that is misunderstood. English is also basically my first language so over the course of learning it, my vocabulary should be fairly advanced to say the least.

Playtime Flexibility - As I have yet to struggle too hard on studying for school, my playtime within the server should be ensured and maximum time will be spent within the server helping players in need. If there aren't/isn't any players online within the server, then I find that I have the right to go off and do something else. I will monitor the discord when not online in the minecraft server as much as I can.

What do you think makes a good staff member
What do you think makes a good staff member
all of the above and
1 - being able to take jokes
2 - doing their job as a staff member
3 - contributing as much as they can to the server
4 - staying loyal to the server.
5 - making sure that the server isn't toxic

1 - I believe a good staff member should be able to take jokes. I think this because if a staff member is only sensible and does not take anything lightly, the players would probably find them less friendly to interact with and the main purpose of a staff member is that the players trust then

2 - This should be self explanatory but if a staff member doesn't do their job, the server would have troubles moving at the same pace that they usually move at and there would be more problems such as rule breakers

3 - contributing as much as they can to the server can improve the server and make the player's experience(s) more enjoyable.

4 - if a staff member doesn't stay loyal to the server, wouldn't be very trustworthy and usually, the staff member might lose in touch with all the other staff members.

5 - A good staff member would make sure that the server isn't toxic so then the server maintains a good atmosphere and all the players feel welcomed instead of scared to talk. This also makes sure that all the players are happy.

Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
1:45am Dec-30-2020
Verification ID: 4154460F-854B-479E-8286-3F5FB2C7CEE5
You can close this application by using the Verification ID HERE
2:27am Dec-30-2020
+1 she is helping with the server already and inferring that the server will do well we need staff.
4:27pm Dec-30-2020
+1 good app, good person
oo wow
7:57am Dec-31-2020
+111111111. She helps a lot with the server right now and working as a builder, IMO she is close to teddy since she helps a lot, they talk a lot and shit like that. I think that she deserves staff to 1000%
No I'm not Russian
12:46pm Dec-31-2020
+1 good app and a chill person
Imagine Running a Daycare XD
3:04am Jan-03-2021
Quote From Case
+1 good app, good person

10:51pm Jan-04-2021
+1 Last app (Which she copy and pasted from) was only denied because we didn't need minecraft staff then. Now that we have 2 modes on the minecraft server I feel that we should get another one of the staff people. +1
11:05pm Jan-04-2021
+0 its a great app but i think the play time needs to be a little more but i see this person active a lot in the discord with people on minecraft i think they would make a good fit.
C surf on top
12:54pm Jan-05-2021
Quote From dingerslinky71
+1 Last app (Which she copy and pasted from) was only denied because we didn't need minecraft staff then. Now that we have 2 modes on the minecraft server I feel that we should get another one of the staff people. +1

we still only have one, currently it is skyblock. Survival is closed.
1:12pm Jan-05-2021
+1 Don't exactly need mc staff as of now, but it would be nice to have that opposite timezone.
3:57pm Jan-06-2021
This app has been approved
Email Sent To User:
Congratulations! your staff application has been approved. An admin from Karma-Gaming will reach out to you within a few hours to walk you through the next steps.

Reach out to Teddy on discord.
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