Karma-Gaming - Coaster :AWP:
Coaster :AWP:
3:23pm Jul-19-2021
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
This Is a follow up ban request since I already made one and it got denied I wasnt cheating and if I could be shown if anyone has any videos of me supposedly cheating I dont really mind if I dont get unbanned since I was only playing since hypixel was getting ddosed but still find it funny, The closest to cheating was me dotting since I have an asus monitor but besides that I have never cheated on your servers

.viD ma I
3:31pm Jul-19-2021
There is a 0.00000001% chance you weren't hacking. That was unfortunately not the case here. Why lie. If you just told the truth we would give you a second chance...
5:51pm Jul-19-2021
I have no reason to lie I was only playing temporarily I had played on karma for a while before you migrated I couldnt find the new ip so I stopped playing csgo entirely https://youtu.be/YvLWrvrKZpg old video but is a montage of me playing on your server not cheating you could say that its old and I started cheating when I joined back cant really show any proof I wasnt but hopefully you can trust me if not its fine I understand
5:54pm Jul-19-2021
Also read other approved ban requests before making my first one I would have known to come clean and I would be unbanned but I simply wasnt cheating
Darth Elmo
3:11pm Jul-20-2021
Quote From Coaster
Also read other approved ban requests before making my first one I would have known to come clean and I would be unbanned but I simply wasnt cheating

You simply were. You were 100% injected on Karma-Gaming AWP on 6/21.

You're a snake, and VACuum Anti-Cheat is smarter than you. Now you exposed yourself and look like an idiot, nice job :^)
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