Karma-Gaming - desk_topjunkie :Awp:
desk_topjunkie :Awp:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
4:18am Jul-23-2021
Last Edit By: Wooki3
At: 12:59am Jul-30-2021
Requesting User

In Game/Steam Name

Steam ID

Your Discord User


Do you own a microphone

Do you have any previous CS:GO staff/admin experience

If yes, details. How long, where at etc
about 5 months on as a mod for ttt and the awp bhop severs for karma

Do you have any previous NON CS:GO staff/admin experience

If so, details

Which Karma server are you applying for

How long have you been playing on karma servers
>3 Months

What is your primary timezone(closest to you)
Central USA

How many HOURS PER DAY do you play (average)

How many DAYS PER WEEK do you play

What additional talents/skills could you bring to the staff team
I know how to manage groups of people well, I've worked in a restaurant and i have experience when it comes to training new candidates for certain positions

What do you think makes a good staff member
I have a very outgoing friendly attitude and am willing to help at all cost, but have a stern hand when it comes to braking the rules I enjoy the severs and hate to see them run to the ground so I would like an opportunity to help and fix them as much as possible

Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
4:18am Jul-23-2021
Verification ID: FDDC4880-F29D-4675-AB55-84CDA7674B3E
You can close this application by using the Verification ID HERE
12:00am Jul-24-2021
-1 bad app
No I'm not Russian
7:25pm Jul-27-2021
0 I literally have no clue who this is but the app is meh.
wait I'm awp staff?
7:26pm Jul-27-2021
+0 not a bad app seems mature but i also never have talked to this guy...
CSGO is dying rip
i'm ngen
7:32pm Jul-27-2021
0 i have no idea who this is and he had 5 months on the staff team?
9:05pm Jul-28-2021
+1 He plays on AWP often. He says he's been around but is now getting back into CS. Chill guy that doesn't start any drama. Also I've seen him enforce rules when not even having perms so I think he would be worth a shot for staff.
8:07pm Jul-29-2021
Last Edit By: Dinky
At: 8:07pm Jul-29-2021
Quote From xZade
+1 He plays on AWP often. He says he's been around but is now getting back into CS. Chill guy that doesn't start any drama. Also I've seen him enforce rules when not even having perms so I think he would be worth a shot for staff.

He's super old karma staff SUPER old LOL 2019
Karma-Gaming - Forum