Home > Forum > Denied Unban/Unmute Appeals > Rebel_Senpai :1v1+Retakes:
Karma-Gaming - Rebel_Senpai :1v1+Retakes:
Rebel_Senpai :1v1+Retakes:
7:00pm Oct-19-2021
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute
Vaccuum AntiCheat

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I was falsely banned, i was 1v1ing RyanNeedsAHug and I had played 1 round and then got banned for no reason, I can provide proof if necessary

The √-1 and then some
7:22pm Oct-19-2021
Are you sure? It really looks like you were cheating. We can be honest or you can stay banned your choice.
8:14pm Oct-19-2021
Last Edit By: Rebel_Senpai
At: 8:26pm Oct-19-2021
Is a skin changer considered cheating? If so then thats all I had and i am deeply sorry if that is
Darth Elmo
6:15pm Oct-26-2021
Quote From Rebel_Senpai
Is a skin changer considered cheating? If so then thats all I had and i am deeply sorry if that is

A client-side skin changer is bannable (we have the plugin on the servers), but that's beside the point.

You were detected because you were injected - you could have just been using a skin changer but those usually come in packages with multiple hacks, so you could have been using other stuff too.

Bottom line, you can't join Karma while injected. Do you want tell us what really happened and whether you'll stop? You sound a bit fishy so it's unlikely you'll be unbanned unless you cooperate.
The √-1 and then some
2:35pm Nov-01-2021
Denying request if there is no reply in the next 2 days.
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