Owner (Karma Source) Posts: 306 | Requesting User
Knife Demon
Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
Long time ago i was false banned then banned on my smurf acc, btw my main is vaced because i got scammed for $350+ and i didnt care and injected (not in karma servers.)
You're not telling the full story. Yes, you were false banned in January and caught on smurfs in February, March, and May. You appealed this ban and we unbanned you.
Now, you were banned last week on this account https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199394274960 because you were injected on AWP, and then caught on a smurf today.
If you tell the truth and admit your mistakes, we may be able to move forward. If you continue this way, you will remain banned. |