Karma-Gaming - jon :Staff Application:
jon :Staff Application:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
7:02pm Apr-26-2020
Requesting User

In Game/Steam Name

Steam ID

Your Discord User


Do you own a microphone

Do you have any previous CS:GO staff/admin experience

If yes, details How long, where at etc
I have had experience owning and running two servers in the past. One server was a FY 24/7 server on 1.6 and, I also had a FFA server on source. I owned those server for approx 3 years total.

Do you have any previous NON CS:GO staff/admin experience

If so, details
I have modded a few TWITCH channels in the past; although they were small channels I still had to handle mod actions as in: Issue bans/unbans, manage chat (blocked terms and permitted terms), timeouts, and other mod actions. Those channels are currently de-funked, so I am no longer modding them. With that being said I have agreed to mod a Streamer who plays on one of your 1v1 servers. I believe he may also be a mod on the 1v1 server also. This was only confirmed the other day so no actions have taken place on my end.

Which Karma servers do you primarily play
1v1 server #1

How long have you been playing on karma servers
1 Month

How many HOURS PER DAY do you play (average)

How many DAYS PER WEEK do you play

What additional talents/skills could you bring to the staff team
My biggest skill will have to be my interpersonal skills. I believe my positivity and personability is an intangible attribute/skill that translates well into a mod roll. As you may already know; sometimes, the CSGO community can get a little toxic which can more often than not ruin other players experiences. I believe when a person is acting is such a manner is because they are lacking something in their personal life outside gaming. I found, if I just talked with the person in a certain tone, and manner their attitude will change making the environment more friendly and less toxic. This became apparent to me when other mods on your server suggested that I should apply to be a mod. If it wasn't for them I wouldn't be filling out this application.

What do you think makes a good staff member
I will be a good applicant because I do not have a sense of entitlement while in a leadership role, I know the difference between enforcing the server rules and abusing privileges. The main reason why I want to become a mod is to be able mute the racism and hate speech that takes place on your servers. I believe there should be no call for that anywhere (online/offline). People think they are just being a "edgy" ,but they are just making the environment uncomfortable and, that shouldn't be tolerated. Currently I have spent 50hrs in your servers over the last couple weeks, and as a whole the people on there are fun and respectful. I would like for it to stay that way by stopping some of the bad apples.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
7:02pm Apr-26-2020
Verification ID: D6C999A2-3204-44D9-A762-42243A1B4A8D
You can close this application by using the Verification ID HERE
9:54pm Apr-26-2020
+1 decent app, have seen him on a few times.
Polar Express Kid
10:02pm Apr-26-2020
+1 Great app but may need a little more time but other than that he would make a great staff member
El Chapo Jr
10:14pm Apr-26-2020
+1 good app
wookie is god
4:58am Apr-27-2020
Great guy always enforcing the rules and trying to help out in the 1v1 server
8:54am Apr-27-2020
+1 good app
sup bby
i'm ngen
8:57am Apr-27-2020
+1 good app seems like a good app
Taco (Austin)
10:05pm Apr-27-2020
+1 He smells nice and good app
I Make Things
10:07pm Apr-27-2020
Quote From Taco (Austin)
+1 He smells nice and good app
10:22pm Apr-27-2020
This app has been approved
Email Sent To User:
Congratulations! your staff application has been approved. An admin from Karma-Gaming will reach out to you within a few hours to walk you through the next steps.
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