Karma-Gaming - Napsta :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Napsta :Un Ban/Mute Request:
2:20pm May-11-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I got ban for cheating but i see a col vidéo
make by Darth Elmo and i want to play,and i'm sorry for the hack and i deleted the hack :d
https://youtu.be/hiD2RgMKKBw for the proof i deleted the hack :D
6:48pm May-11-2020
The fact of the matter is you did indeed cheat. It is good that you learnt from your actions, the whole point of the punishment is to make you not do it again. Which has clearly worked with this case. The chances you would be unbanned right now is very unlikely. If you apply again some time in the future (I can't give you a number because I don't know honestly) you might get accepted.
A Random Guy
9:35am May-12-2020
The Problem is that we can not know. If you will just reinstall the cheat again and use it on out servers.
Awp Is For Casuals.
3:28am May-13-2020
Quote From <mathias>
The Problem is that we can not know. If you will just reinstall the cheat again and use it on out servers.

He'd get banned again
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