Home > Forum > Application Discussion > Approved Staff Apps > Gazzy :Staff Application:
Karma-Gaming - Gazzy :Staff Application:
Gazzy :Staff Application:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
3:07am Jun-02-2020
Requesting User

In Game/Steam Name

Steam ID

Your Discord User


Do you own a microphone

Do you have any previous CS:GO staff/admin experience

If yes, details How long, where at etc
Minimal experience on smaller severs, and I will still help in Karma as much as I can/should

Do you have any previous NON CS:GO staff/admin experience

If so, details
I have moderated a couple of small twitch channels/steam groups, but nothing serious

Which Karma server are you applying for
Multi 1v1

How long have you been playing on karma servers
>3 Months

How many HOURS PER DAY do you play (average)

How many DAYS PER WEEK do you play

What additional talents/skills could you bring to the staff team
Ive noticed that the 1v1 server is constantly left either without an admin in it, or left with an admin that doesn't step in/help when there are problems. There is a growing number of toxic people joining and making the server less enjoyable to new players, and they will often times face no consequences, and are left alone to harass people with no consequences. I'd like to be able to help any player that needs help, and at least create a civil conversation out of any arguments in the server

What do you think makes a good staff member
I have the second most time spent in the server, just over 120 hours, with over 6,000 hours total in csgo. Ive been told by many new players or staff/admins, that I would make a good admin because of my levelheadedness and conflict resolution skills. I have even had toxic players come join the server and be toxic, and ill try to engage them in conversation to make friends and enjoy the server, and many times it works. i think people need to learn to take the 1v1 server much less seriously than they do. I originally joined to make friends and the Karma 1v1 server has some of the best people (game skill, and nice people) I think I've ever seen consistently in a server. This is also true for the bad people, people are often instigating fights and being racist just to be funny, which I believe would be a significantly smaller issue if there are more admins readily available. The difference between the server with an admin in it and without one is uncanny. I just want to be the difference that this server needs
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
3:07am Jun-02-2020
Verification ID: 1F0B088E-06F8-4121-96B5-63FCF3640CEA
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Freshest Guy You Know
4:22pm Jun-02-2020
+1 definitely staff material
i'm ngen
5:20pm Jun-02-2020
+1 put effort in his app seems like staff material and great app
2:04am Jun-04-2020
3:44am Jun-04-2020
+1 good app also 1v1 staff
Polar Express Kid
1:47pm Jun-04-2020
+1 Put a ton of effort into his app, definitely staff worthy
El Chapo Jr
6:26pm Jun-04-2020
Quote From Dinky
12:08am Jun-05-2020
This app has been approved
Email Sent To User:
Congratulations! your staff application has been approved. An admin from Karma-Gaming will reach out to you within a few hours to walk you through the next steps.

Please contact Teddy#3207 on discord when you're next availble.
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