Home > Forum > Approved Unban requests > Storhmy :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Karma-Gaming - Storhmy :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Storhmy :Un Ban/Mute Request:
7:05pm Jun-14-2020
Last Edit By: Storhmy
At: 7:10pm Jun-14-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID


Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
Banned for "Ddos threat" when all I did was sent the port to my own ip address in chat I play karma a lot and haven't had any issues until now I have never sent a port either but then again its to my own ip address and nothing can come of that information its useless I didn't make a ddos threat in any way never said I would hit the server never even said anything like that as a joke
7:15pm Jun-14-2020
Several staff have said that you were saying you were going to port scan the server. And after you were muted for saying "ni**a" you said "ddos?" You started pasting the info from your "port scan" and proceeded to claim that the information was players IP addresses, and you were going to do "stuff" with them. Doesn't seem like you're telling the whole truth here buddy.
🍧 🐶 - 朿頁乇づ
7:17pm Jun-14-2020
If you're going to make threatening statements, you better get ready to get treated like you're going to go through with those actions.
🍧 🐶 - 朿頁乇づ
9:20pm Jun-14-2020
Quote From Jacob.
If you're going to make threatening statements, you better get ready to get treated like you're going to go through with those actions.
Starting Nmap 7.70 at 2020-06-14 18:25 UTC
Scan report for bridge.abs-cbnnews.club (
Host is up (0.045s latency).

Port: 21/tcp
State: Closed
Service: FTP

Port: 22/tcp
State: Closed
Service: SSH

Port: 23/tcp
State: Closed
Service: Telnet

Port: 80/tcp
State: Closed
Service: HTTP

Port: 110/tcp
State: Closed
Service: POP3

Port: 143/tcp
State: Closed
Service: IMAP

Port: 443/tcp
State: Open
Service: HTTPS

Port: 3389/tcp
State: Closed
Service: RDP

1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 2.63 seconds

this is all I sent not even this full thing containing no information whatsoever of anyone on the server or the server itself or even mine its my vpns ip address so it has no information behind it and I never claimed it was anyone elses ip address or the servers at that never even said the word ddos, never said I was gonna hit the server or any of its players
$20 is $20
9:24pm Jun-14-2020
Storhmy, people on the server were asking what it was and you claimed it was another users information.
9:29pm Jun-14-2020
Last Edit By: Storhmy
At: 9:30pm Jun-14-2020
Quote From ArmedStudent
Storhmy, people on the server were asking what it was and you claimed it was another users information.
no that is false I understand the severity of a ddos threat when asked whos ip address it was by others I simply gave no reply the only time I replied is when wrist said you better tell me what your doing rn and I replied with "why tf does it matter?" I never claimed it was anyones ip as I have no issues with anyone on the server I wasn't arguing with anyone why would I have any reason to do that sort of thing even then I still don't threaten ddos if you have a clip of me claiming its the servers/another players ip I would love to see it cause I know what I said im not trying to argue this either karmas one of my main servers I play on a daily basis and I feel my ban was wrong if you would like to look up the ip for yourself go ahhead
11:33pm Jun-14-2020
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