Home > Forum > Approved Unban requests > itscoronatimee :Un Ban/Mute Request:
Karma-Gaming - itscoronatimee :Un Ban/Mute Request:
itscoronatimee :Un Ban/Mute Request:
2:47pm Jul-21-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name
larry is a qt

Steam ID

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
im not too sure why i was banned and there was no reason listed, the only thing i can think of is that while i was playing ttt someone activated slow mode and i never came out of it so the anti cheat might have thought i was hacking in some way. i was following all of the rules, i had one of the highest karma ratings in the sever (im pretty sure it was like 120-137) and i learned my lesson about cheating on my last account due to a perma vac ban because of walls. its kinda funny that i got banned yesterday because it was the 1 year anniversary of me getting cs vaced on my old account. also i was kinda trusted by most of the admins on the server and i wasnt hacking AT ALL so its kind of suspicious that i was banned for no reason.
Thanks, Larry.
(yes i copied and pasted the same message because i stand by what i say in this.)

7:30pm Jul-21-2020
can i please get even a response?
4:46am Jul-22-2020
None of the information you provided leads to a banned account in our system.
1:16pm Jul-22-2020
Last Edit By: itscoronatimee
At: 1:19pm Jul-22-2020
hold on let let me try to connect and ill see what happens, i also changed my profile name to ZEphYX but the rest is still the same
i just tried to join and im still banned.
8:16pm Jul-22-2020
8:53pm Jul-22-2020
Quote From Dinky

whyd you just put that?
4:29pm Jul-25-2020
you have been unbanned
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