Karma-Gaming - Ari :Staff Application:
Ari :Staff Application:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
4:27pm Aug-20-2020
Requesting User

In Game/Steam Name

Steam ID

Your Discord User


Do you own a microphone

Do you have any previous CS:GO staff/admin experience

If yes, details How long, where at etc
CafeCS 2 years, Karma 3 months, ENW 1 year

Do you have any previous NON CS:GO staff/admin experience

If so, details
Managing an eSports team.

Which Karma server are you applying for

How long have you been playing on karma servers
1 Week Or less

How many HOURS PER DAY do you play (average)

How many DAYS PER WEEK do you play

What additional talents/skills could you bring to the staff team
I already have prior experience with Karma servers, obviously. I have more experience dealing with server/player issues than most CS:GO players because I have been doing it for so long. I know how; love you jacob; to control players who are causing issues and I am more than capable of doing it by myself, which I did do quite a bit since I play in EU timezone and I play when NA staff are sleeping as well as when they aren't. I also know how to have fun and when to be "serious"

What do you think makes a good staff member
A good staff member would be someone who knows how to have fun and also how to enforce rules and maintain server stability at the same time because if you are constantly tight all of the time then no one is going to like you then all of the community will be difficult with you making your job harder.
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
4:27pm Aug-20-2020
Verification ID: F8952FCC-BD87-4F96-990D-37F25F960500
You can close this application by using the Verification ID HERE
A Random Guy
4:27pm Aug-20-2020
+1 very good friend would be a really good staff member again
Awp Is For Casuals.
The √-1 and then some
4:27pm Aug-20-2020
I Make Things
4:27pm Aug-20-2020
+1, ive been watching ari a bit in the past few weeks and he actually does seem like he could be a good staff. I think we might want to reiterate to him that he needs to try and be polite to other staff/players but from an actual admin standpoint he seems like hes stepped up.
.viD ma I
5:38pm Aug-20-2020
+1 the only problem he had and only reason for demotion was due to arguing with staff often. Being said, I've talked with him quite a bit lately and he has seemed to have calmed down and I believe he should get a chance as staff once again.
6:19pm Aug-20-2020
Quote From Div
+1 the only problem he had and only reason for demotion was due to arguing with staff often. Being said, I've talked with him quite a bit lately and he has seemed to have calmed down and I believe he should get a chance as staff once again.
$20 is $20
7:12pm Aug-20-2020
Quote From wunka
7:44pm Aug-20-2020
+1 Timezone helps, He helps out around discord and servers. Would make a great staff member, he already does the work of one just cant mute / ban
Imagine Running a Daycare XD
9:58pm Aug-20-2020

2:37am Aug-21-2020
+1 I'd like to see him on the staff team again
*Sniff* Smells like Smite
3:20am Aug-21-2020
-1 Too toxic, I don't why all of you are +1'ing him
It's a plane, it's a bird, it's SMITE.
Freshest Guy You Know
3:21am Aug-21-2020
-1 I still don't think he's changed he still makes constant arguments and I don't think he's changed.
No, I'm not Arabic
10:22am Aug-21-2020
Quote From oRefresh
-1 I still don't think he's changed he still makes constant arguments and I don't think he's changed.
4:14pm Aug-21-2020
+1 The guy should get a second chance.
9:09am Aug-22-2020
+1 yes
sup bby
2:02pm Aug-22-2020
-1 Always caused arguments in staff chat, toxic in general, minged a lot

But i do believe he is making a change, maybe not enough change though
im cute
7:03pm Aug-22-2020
Quote From oRefresh
-1 I still don't think he's changed he still makes constant arguments and I don't think he's changed.
7:13pm Aug-22-2020
-1, He got demoted for constantly arguing...

Im sitting here reading through his discord messages, It seems like nothing has changed?

Why make the same mistake twice?
Certified Cripple ♿︎
1:30pm Aug-23-2020
Quote From suki
-1, He got demoted for constantly arguing...

Im sitting here reading through his discord messages, It seems like nothing has changed?

Why make the same mistake twice?
The √-1 and then some
5:56pm Aug-23-2020
This app has been approved
Email Sent To User:
Congratulations! your staff application has been approved. An admin from Karma-Gaming will reach out to you within a few hours to walk you through the next steps.

Message from Admin:
Wunka: AYYY you're back. We will train you after the staff meeting on Wednesday, AUG 26 8PM EST
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