Home > Forum > Application Discussion > Approved Staff Apps > Rinisbetter :Staff Application:
Karma-Gaming - Rinisbetter :Staff Application:
Rinisbetter :Staff Application:
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
12:45am Aug-23-2020
Requesting User

In Game/Steam Name

Steam ID

Your Discord User


Do you own a microphone

Do you have any previous CS:GO staff/admin experience

If yes, details How long, where at etc
My first experience as a staff member on CSGO/Combat Surf was on IGlobal whilst Krallei and Mobbster were owner. This lasted for around 6-9 months, I eventually resigned due to not playing csurf as much anymore and retaining focus on Garry's Mod. When I returned I reapplied for staff on IGlobal and received a admin position for both the 24/7 ski and 24/7 skyworld. I ended up resigning again due to boredom with the game-mode alongside hyper focusing on more competitive servers such as Legion, Karma, and Alliance. After playing combat surf for a additional 4-5 months before taking a break, I decided to embark on HNS Chasemod. Whilst in the community, I applied for Edan.GG an PowerFPS, I eventually resigned from Edan as well and my PowerFPS position ended abruptly due to the staff team (developers/high management) being corrupt.

Do you have any previous NON CS:GO staff/admin experience

If so, details
Before CS:GO when I was younger, I played a lot of Garry's Mod. During this time, I received a staff position on a multitude of servers which can be proved by my 10,000 hours on the game. Due to me taking up these positions when I was at a younger age, most server names are quite vague. I can clearly remember only 3 names which were Last Bastion Gaming, Icefuse.net, and Galactic Gaming. I also held positions on Minecraft servers which I'll never be able to remember the name of now.

Which Karma server are you applying for
Combat Surf

How long have you been playing on karma servers
>3 Months

What is your primary timezone(closest to you)

How many HOURS PER DAY do you play (average)

How many DAYS PER WEEK do you play

What additional talents/skills could you bring to the staff team
I can bring a strong work ethic to the staff team alongside a studious individual who is willing to learn from his peers. Also, I debated applying for a decent amount of time due to lack of motivation, as it stands now, I can ensure that I can bring the proper motivation and support the staff team could use. Finally, my skill to defuse and improve situations can make me a long-term help to the server in general.

What do you think makes a good staff member
Personally, I feels as though my previous experience on numerous servers and combined knowledge of the game-mode and players will allow me to become a good staff member that will help remain the stability and integrity of the server. Also, my ability to acknowledge flaws and improve upon them with myself allows me to get better as the months go by.
Karma Bot
Im Just A Bot
12:45am Aug-23-2020
Verification ID: 8C2415AE-CA17-453F-95A9-3F764A66677C
You can close this application by using the Verification ID HERE
Freshest Guy You Know
1:20am Aug-23-2020
+1 this app just speaks for its self
No, I'm not Arabic
1:41am Aug-23-2020
Quote From oRefresh
+1 this app just speaks for its self
Imagine Running a Daycare XD
2:16am Aug-23-2020
+1 chill af and really mature guy with a lot of experience

*Sniff* Smells like Smite
2:16am Aug-23-2020
+1 Great Application.
It's a plane, it's a bird, it's SMITE.
A Random Guy
5:41am Aug-23-2020
Quote From oRefresh
+1 this app just speaks for its self
Awp Is For Casuals.
6:10am Aug-23-2020
Quote From oRefresh
+1 this app just speaks for its self
11:01am Aug-23-2020
+1 '-' ^^^
11:25am Aug-23-2020
+1, Great application, Great player, Active, all of the above :D
Certified Cripple ♿︎
1:35pm Aug-23-2020
Quote From oRefresh
+1 this app just speaks for its self
$20 is $20
9:11pm Aug-23-2020
Quote From Daniel
+1 Great Application.
10:19pm Aug-24-2020
Quote From oRefresh
+1 this app just speaks for its self

lol dummy apps cant speak
but +1
The √-1 and then some
11:00am Aug-25-2020
+1 goooood app
12:47pm Aug-25-2020
This app has been approved
Email Sent To User:
Congratulations! your staff application has been approved. An admin from Karma-Gaming will reach out to you within a few hours to walk you through the next steps.
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