Karma-Gaming - yarsA :Un Ban/Mute Request:
yarsA :Un Ban/Mute Request:
10:46pm Oct-08-2020
Requesting User

Steam Name

Steam ID

Which Karma server were you banned from
10 mans

Name of admin responsible for ban/mute

Type of Request

Reason for ban/mute and why should your request be approved
I was banned a few months ago for being toxic towards noobguy and other players. I have now learned my lesson and will not be toxic towards staff or other players in the community.

4:32pm Oct-09-2020
The last few times you've tried to connect with give me doubts whether or not you've changed at all. https://prnt.sc/uwe199
8:26pm Oct-09-2020
Quote From Dinky
The last few times you've tried to connect with give me doubts whether or not you've changed at all. https://prnt.sc/uwe199

That was months ago..
11:08am Oct-10-2020
This was a perm ban, instead of taking the ban on the chin and accepting your bullshit you decided to try and alt with very immature and also homophobic af names. If you were to be unbanned you should serve a bit longer than 3 months.
5:25pm Oct-10-2020
Last Edit By: Dinky
At: 8:09pm Oct-10-2020
Quote From Ari
This was a perm ban, instead of taking the ban on the chin and accepting your bullshit you decided to try and alt with very immature and also homophobic af names. If you were to be unbanned you should serve a bit longer than 3 months.

Well Ari, what would you do in this situation? I was honest and apologized for my actions. What else was I supposed to do?

Edit: I'm fine with being perm muted/gagged or just rebanned after the awp bhop tourney I just really want to participate in it

8:09pm Oct-10-2020
Quote From yarsA
Quote From Ari
This was a perm ban, instead of taking the ban on the chin and accepting your bullshit you decided to try and alt with very immature and also homophobic af names. If you were to be unbanned you should serve a bit longer than 3 months.

Well Ari, what would you do in this situation? I was honest and apologized for my actions. What else was I supposed to do?

Edit: I'm fine with being perm muted/gagged or just rebanned after the awp bhop tourney I just really want to participate in it

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